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HIV by year of diagnosis

HIV transmission category by year of diagnosis

Course of influenza seasons since 2001

Influenza: current and previous season

Legionellosis in North-Rhine Westphalia 2013

Rotavirus gastroenteritis: current and previous season


Tick-borne encephalitis 2006 by county

Measles 2013 in Bavaria by county

Malaria 2011 and 2012 by state

Syphilis 2012 by region


Hantavirus disease 2012 by age and sex

Rotavirus gastroenteritis by age and sex


Malaria 2012 by pathogen (differenciated)

Current situation of salmonellosis by pathogen (differentiated)

Selected vaccine-preventable diseases by case definition category

Current Covid-19 cases

The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health